As a group, we are continuously working to maintain and improve the town we love, Kenmare. On an ongoing basis we:
- Meet and liase with Kerry County Council, South Kerry Development Partnership, local groups, residents, Family resource centre, Kenmare Chamber of Commerce, Kenmare Community Garden amongst others.
- Litterpick - This is still a major part of our work and we are grateful to have so many dedicated volunteers.
- We distribute litter picking equipment.
- Distribute and erect 'Managed for Wildlife' signs to highlight where meadows are allowed to grow for pollinators
- Co-ordinate with local schools, on their Green Flags and litterpicks.
- Paint, hoe, weed and cleanup. These are done regularly at various locations.
- Apply for funding and deliver projects for the benefit of all.
- Maintain our Facebook, Instagram and website.
- Complete our annual Entry form to the National Tidy Towns competition.
- Monitor Biodiversity and quality of our environment, particularly on the Swift project and water quality monitoring.